

Hello. How are you?

Are you involved in cryptocurrency? I found you in one of the crypto groups

Сan you tell me what country you live in?

Oh, that's cool. I have a deal, can we discuss?

I don't remember which crypto group I found you in, I don't have any friends who could help me, so I'm asking you for paid help

I live in Adelaide (Australia), but at the moment I am in Vietnam for work and will be here until May. I received a payment on a freelance site in bitcoins, but I can't withdraw them due to the fact that the cryptocurrency is prohibited here.

It is not possible to withdraw your funds due to Vietnam law.

The main problem that еxchange blocked me withdraws on external wallet but i still can make internal transfers. So you just need to create an account there, i will transfer my btc to yоu and you gonna withdraw it on your wallet, keep 10% for yourself and send rest to me.

So can I rely on you?


Okay you need first create acc there

I will make internal transfer on your account

And then you will withdraw


Go on your profile on site and press button "info" near btc. Site will show your internal address

And give me this address

Okey, i hope you are honest person and not gonna leave

Wait please i try to send to you

I sent to you

Please check


So now you need withdraw it on your wallet

External wallet

*кидает ошибку*

Have you already withdrawn my btc?

I do not understand anything, please contact the exchange support service.


*говорит что нужно сделать депозит, после того как ему ответили в саппорт*

Ohh, god why

I have never had such situation brother. I do not know what to do. I'll check if I have this money on my btc wallet

I think it's because you're new user

I have only 0.0057 on my wallet. Can

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