


We've had that happen a couple times already 😞

Accidentally reported


What if someone was joking with his friend


Insta limited

Yea, let's cut the discussion short: the report system needs work.

Serj πŸ‡§πŸ‡Ύ Dernakov:

But there is a chance it working perfectly with 99.999% accuracy.

According to different reports, from 40% to 80% of all emails are just spam emails. And in your spam folder you see only a small percentage of those spam mails.

Try to guesstimate a number of actual spammers and actual reports [in Telegram]?

There are 15bln messages daily. Lets say only 1% are spam. So 150mln of spam messages. Let's say 90% are caught automatically. So we have 15mln of uncaught spam messages daily.

Let's imagine only 10% of those get reported (lazy admins or whatever). That's still 1.5 million reports daily.

And you only hear complaints about people getting reported and limited when it was a mistake, and don't think about all the other cases.

So with this scale it can easily be the most perfect solution possible. (or not)


What I'm reading here is "we need more people to review reports and more automated filtering", I agree with one of those things πŸ€”

Serj πŸ‡§πŸ‡Ύ Dernakov:

What i'm saying is that we don't know how well their system is working.

I really don't want another youtube catastrophe, when algorithms were working almost perfectly, and then some media tried so hard to sensationalize non-existing problems based on small cases. And now everything is bad (and will be for 2-3 years)

Report Page