

96 run promise.py
> self._result = self.pooled_function(*self.args, **self.kwargs)


319 help_button __main__.py
> help_list = HELPABLE[module].__help__


An exception was raised while handling an update
User: 1449909292
Chat: None 1449909292
Callback data: help_module(translator)
Message: Hey there! My name is Saitama.
I'm a Hero For Fun and help admins manage their groups with One Punch! Have a look at the following for an idea of some of the things I can help you with.

Main commands available:
• /help: PM's you this message.
• /help <module name>: PM's you info about that module.
• /donate: information on how to donate!
• /settings:
• in PM: will send you your settings for all supported modules.
• in a group: will redirect you to pm, with all that chat's settings.

All commands can either be used with / or !.

And the following:

Full Traceback: Traceback (most recent call last):
File "E:\SaitamaRobot\env\lib\site-packages\telegram\ext\utils\promise.py", line 96, in run
self._result = self.pooled_function(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
File "E:\SaitamaRobot\SaitamaRobot\__main__.py", line 319, in help_button
help_list = HELPABLE[module].__help__
KeyError: 'translator'

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