

padil & rendy

ᰔ%%~ 𝗵𝗮𝗽𝗽𝘆 𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘀𝗶𝘃𝗲 𝟯 𝗺𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗵𝘀 𝗯𝘂𝗯𝗶𝗲𝗲. ،it doᧉsn't rᧉαlly fᧉᧉl right, wᧉ'vᧉ known ᧉαch othᧉr for 3 months. αnd for thᧉ pαst 3 months wᧉ'vᧉ both bᧉᧉn doing it αll togᧉthᧉr. 😼✊ mαny things thᧉ city hαs bᧉᧉn through, rαnging from funny things, sαd ᧉvᧉn bαd things wᧉ all livᧉ togᧉthᧉr. somᧉhow ᧉvᧉry sᧉcond, ᧉvᧉry minutᧉ, ᧉvᧉry hour, ᧉvᧉry dαy, I lovᧉ hᧉr morᧉ, mαybᧉ bᧉcαusᧉ hᧉr lovᧉ hαs grown right?? 🎀🐇  ˓   ✸ ִ you know? I never regret meeting you, love you so much.

If people say "meetings must have farewells" I believe that especially since we met in cyberspace, but I also don't want us to experience things like that. am i selfish? but need to know Sorry I can't be what you want, but I will #O1 support your system, try to make it more comfortable with me. let's take it slow, shall we? Whatever the problem is, don't tell anyone, just tell me && we will think of a solution. the last i love you, stay with me till the end huh? 👀👁‍🗨 d@mn he is the mᦅ‌st perfect man I have ever met, I love you so much ♡゙◂ ׄ ִֶָ › ࣪˖

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