

Jericho Harfaron.
Hi Jeanne, Happy New Year. Thanks for being yourself. To end something old, will start something new. Wish you a mighty heart, though with a little words. Jangan pernah berhenti jadi orang baik dan gua mau minta lo buat sebisa mungkin cari kebahagiaan lo sendiri ya Jeann? Jangan pernah ngerasa sendirian, kalau lo sedih dan gatau harus cerita sama siapa lo bisa keluar rumah dan talk with universe, universe always listens to us. I wanna told you something, that you're really pretty. You're enough to deserve the world and i'll pray that someday you'll find your man, who's can treat you like the way you're. Orang banyak minta kebahagiaan, then God made it happen dengan cara ngirim lo buat hidup di bumi. Still alive, masih banyak orang baik yang belum lo temuin Jeann, jangan lupa bahagia.

Talk to me wherever you want, i'll be there for you, as a long i can.

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