讲座回放 | 反思香港外籍家庭佣工遭受的性暴力

讲座回放 | 反思香港外籍家庭佣工遭受的性暴力

  • 平权在线

Sexual Violence as Experienced by Foreign Domestic Workers in Hong Kong


An intersectional discussion on the hurdles faced by foreign domestic workers who are seeking redress against sexual violence in Hong Kong, in particular how race, employment status and socio-economic standing may prevent more from speaking out.

Eni Lestari gave a comprehensive overview of the structural issues and social stigmas that underpins why sexual violence are so underreported within the Foreign Domestic Workers (FDW) community.

香港的外佣在寻求解决性暴力事件会面临甚么障碍? 她们的种族、就业状况和社会经济地位又如何影响公义的彰显?


Eni Lestari, Chairperson, International Migrants Alliance [In Q&A Session] Evelyn Tsao, Partner, Patricia Ho & Associate

讲者:Eni Lestari Andayani Adi, 国际移民联盟主席, 具丰富国际及社区倡议经验

[In Q&A Session]曹乔茵律师, Patricia Ho & Associates 合伙人, 公共利益律师


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#妇女 #外籍家庭佣工 #性暴力

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