I got an online course dedicated to Brazil's Data Privacy law

I got an online course dedicated to Brazil's Data Privacy law

I got an online course dedicated to Brazil's Data Privacy law. I'd already had +900 since 2018. My course is already well respected in the market and 1/3 of my students came to me through indications of ex-students. I got +21k contacts on LinkedIn and +5.5 on Instagram. My public is mainly lawyers, but IT specialists also look for my course. I have a podcast that also brings people to me. My course, among country data protection pros is recognized as unique, due to my methodology, content and commitment. At my website, there's more than 200 testimonials. lei geral de proteção de dados , which is dedicated to the law implementation was the 1st on the market (since 2018) and, so far, by the students feedbacks, still the best. I'm the only course on this topic in Brazil that have an agreement with Law bars from 4 states providing discount for lawyers and I'm about to close this same kind of agreement with Brazil's Federal Law bar (again, the 1st and only to have this). This market had increased significantly from Sept, 2020 (when mostly of the law became in effect) and it'll increase still more because the sanctions of the law will take effect Aug, 1st 2021.

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